AWS S3 Cross Region Replication
1)Create Two Buckets in two Different Regions and enable Versioning for both buckets too
2)Put some files in the first bucket
3)Add the Replication Rule
Under the Management Tab, you can Find the Replication rule Feature
Select "Create New IAM role" to automatically generate the role with the necessary permissions.
Keep all other's Default
4)For replicating the Existing objects in the bucket you use s3 batch operations
Leave Everything as Default and choose the path where the completion reports are yet to be stored
5)once the Batch Job is Complete Verify whether the replication occurs in the Second Bucket
you can see that the file is replicated successfully
6)Add some other files in the source bucket and check whether it is replicating properly in the Destination Bucket
Added New File
Now It started to automatically replicate whatever the new object added to the source bucket to the destination
Bonus Tip: Cross Region Replication is a Key Feature of S3 which helps in building a more reliable architecture
That's it for today, Kudos for coming up here🫰, Happy Exploring😎✌️